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AI Literacy for Entrepreneurs

Dec 18, 2019

We’re well into December, and if you’re like us, you’ve been in 2020 planning mode for a while now. That’s why we’re focusing all of our December episodes on planning. 

And this week, we’ve got the first of a two-parter, on something very near and dear to our hearts -- podcasting 🎙

Whether you are already doing a podcast and looking to make some improvements, or if you’re thinking of dipping your toes into the podcast-verse for the first time, take 15 minutes and listen up.

‘Cause over these next two episodes we are sharing our process -- from end to end. All of our learnings from the past 6 months!

In part one, we talk about..

✔️Putting a podcast strategy in place

✔️The importance of discipline and consistency

✔️The importance of auditing your podcast

✔️Our actual production process (a great step-by-step guide)

PS: Stay tuned for part two next week when we talk about upping podcast engagement, guest relations and measuring ROI. 

PPS: Want help producing your podcast? We can do that. Book a call here:


Still can’t sleep?

We would also love to know what’s keeping you up at night! Email us your problems - your issue might be featured in our next episode!

Any of these problems *speak* to you? Click here to subscribe in iTunes to hear about more things that haunt us or to keep an eye out for any of your problems. We might find a solution for you (or at least share your pain too!) We have more episodes with great tips, jokes and conversations - don’t miss it! 

If you get a chance, leave a review on iTunes so that others can find this podcast too! Just click here to review, select “Ratings and Reviews” and “Write a Review” We’d love to hear what your favourite part of this episode is in the comments below. Thank you!