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AI Literacy for Entrepreneurs

Jan 16, 2020



It's 4:00 AM. You can't sleep either. What's keeping you up? It's the 4:00 AM report, a collaborative approach to sometimes finding solutions to the things that keep marketers up at night. Where your hosts, Susan and Will.


Jan 9, 2020

It’s the 4AM Report!

We’re done saying Happy New Year, yes? NO MORE RESOLUTIONS! But wait. HA! Appropriately enough for the 4AM Report, Will has a resolution - trying to get better sleep in 2020!

Here’s how….

  • Weighted Blanket
  • Diffuser
  • Sleeping mask
  • Tempur-Pedic Pillow

Is it working? Well, Will’s anxiety...

Jan 2, 2020

This week hosts Susan and Will chat with guest Andrea Henry, a business lawyer who is passionate about helping women entrepreneurs get to that 7-figure goal.

What do they discuss?

✔️The barriers facing women business owners when it comes to getting funding for growth

✔️The lack of value funders put on...