Aug 1, 2019
We’re talking with someone on this week’s episode of The 4 am Report who actually DOES sleep pretty soundly at night.
What’s his secret?
“I try to discipline myself to work in a world of no surprises.”
Meet Kevin Lennon, a master of key messaging and narrative control. His career has run the communications gamut from a start in journalism, to working for major brands, to leading roles at PR agencies. For the past 20 plus years, he’s been principal at Trillium Corporate Communications. His sweet spot is working with top executives at major companies, preparing them for those big media interviews, working on their crisis comms protocol and getting them ready to meet with regulatory bodies.
We discuss the power and persuasiveness of positive, future-oriented messaging and language. Brands need to understand that everything put out there today, from a tweet to an interview with a reporter, is being scrutinized.
“Make sure that every single word, every single image you put out into that marketplace is deliberate with an end goal in mind. And if you don’t know what to say, don’t say anything.”
One key take-away we got from Kevin -- investing in ‘brand safety’ is a must.
About Kevin
Kevin Lennon has more than 30 years of experience in Journalism and Public Relations and is founder and president of Trillium Corporate Communications Inc. He is known for his creativity and clear strategic thinking, his winning strategies for dealing with sensitive issues and as one of Canada's top communications skills trainers. His experience as a journalist, working for Canadian wire services and daily and weekly newspapers is regularly translated into practical advice about how to get positive media coverage — and minimize the impact of bad news situations. Kevin works with clients in the energy, entertainment, telecommunications, amateur and professional sports, resources, retail and financial sectors. He has also worked with national associations, provincial crown corporations, federal and provincial governments. He has worked internationally, managing projects in China, North Africa and throughout Latin America for major Canadian corporations. Kevin holds a Bachelors degree in Journalism from Ryerson Polytechnic University.